



1月25日, 2011年,苏菲·塔卡, 生产商/编辑/演员, 劳伦斯·迈克尔·莱文, 作家/导演/演员. 加比在七月的屋顶上

制片人/编辑/演员Sophie Takal, 编剧、导演、演员劳伦斯·迈克尔·莱文, 放映他们获奖的独立影片 七月的屋顶上的加比. A portrait of young New York 和 the misguided hopefuls who can’t afford to live there but do anyway, 这部电影很惊险, 关于前女友的角色驱动的合奏喜剧, sibling rivalry 和 whipped cream set in a city that’s constantly in flux.

February 1, 2011 – JON ALPERT, award-winning journalist 和 documentary filmmaker.

Jon Alpert is a winner of three Primetime Emmy awards, eleven News & 纪录片艾美奖, 一次全国体育节目艾美奖, 四个哥伦比亚杜邦奖和一个皮博迪奖. Alpert has traveled widely as an investigative journalist, 和 has made films for PBS, HBO, 和 NBC. In 1972, Alpert founded the Downtown Community Television Center. He was nominated for an Oscar in 2009 in the Best Documentary Short Subject category for his film 中国的自然灾害:四川省的眼泪.

February 8, 2011 – ABEL FERRARA, legendary American independent filmmaker.

“阿贝尔·费拉拉的电影通常围绕着腐败的警察展开, 精神病杀手, 受害者一心想复仇, 小罪犯和犯罪策划者, 吸毒者, 通奸者, 和酗酒者. He has been called a ‘scuzzmeister,’ ‘a virtuoso of grunge,’ 和 far worse. 他讲暴力粗俗的故事, 在血腥中, 经常问深奥的宗教或道德问题. 从不提供答案.” (www.选集.com)

他的一些电影包括 坏中尉抬棺人.

肯Kelsch. DP Kelsch is a graduate of Montclair 和 a prolific cinematographer. 凯尔什拍摄了费拉拉所有的电影, 演职员表包括, 纪录片和电视连续剧.


自1981年以来, 每年一度的黑玛丽亚影视节, which takes its name from that of the world’s first motion picture studio built by Thomas Edison in 1893, 参加过国际评审比赛和评奖巡演吗, 并一直在履行其倡导的使命, exhibit 和 reward cutting-edge works from independent film 和 video makers. The festival is known for its national public exhibition program, which features a variety of bold contemporary works drawn from the annual collection of 50 or more award-winning films 和 videos. Excerpts will be shown from the 2011 Black Maria Film + Video Tour.

February 20, 2011 – MONTCLAIR UNDERDOG FILM FESTIVAL: OSCAR-Nominated Short Films.

受大众需求的影响, this event features a marathon of documentary 和 animated shorts nominated for this year’s academy awards in their respective categories. Admission is $10 for one session; $15 for both sessions; 和 free for students 和 faculty with valid I.D. 由十大博彩推荐排名艺术委员会和电影计划赞助, 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学艺术与设计系.

注意:本次筛选将从上午10点开始进行.m. – 4 p.m. 在大学礼堂1070室.


Matthew O’Neill has been a producer 和 director at Downtown Community Television Center since 2001. He has worked on documentaries for HBO, PBS, the Discovery Channels 和 others. For the 2006 documentary he produced 和 directed with Jon Alpert for HBO – Baghdad ER, he won a Columbia DuPont Award 和 three Primetime Emmy Awards for Nonfiction Programs – including “Best Directing” 和 “Best Cinematography”. His work closer to home has been award five New York Emmy Awards including prizes for “Best Political Journalism” 和 “Best Societal Concerns Program”.

3月1日 ——影视数字发行

Watching movies 和 television on the Internet is the wave of the future 和 it’s happening now! 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 Film Forum 和 the Broadcasting Department present a panel discussion on the realities of Internet Distribution for film 和 television.


  • 你如何吸引观众?
  • 你真的能靠这个赚钱吗?
  • 什么样的节目和电影在网上是成功的?
  • 社交媒体扮演着怎样的角色?

These topics 和 more will be discussed on Tuesday, 3月1日, 7-10PM in UN1040. 苏珊·斯库, Screenwriting 和 Film professor for the 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 Film Program, 将主持讨论.


Aaron Sonnenberg, Blip的内容运营经理.最成功的在线电视网络之一.

史蒂文·贝克曼, cinemetic / FilmBuff的内容收购主管, a NY based company which releases video content to platforms such as cable video-on-dem和, iTunes, 网飞公司, Hulu等. Recent releases include the Edward Burns directed feature “Nice Guy Johnny” 和 the Academy Award nominated documentary, “礼品店出口”.

英格丽·科普, 导演兼《十大博彩推荐排名》杂志主编, 独立电影人的网络组织.


An Emmy 和 Writer’s Guild Award-winning writer/producer, Michael Price has worked on ten seasons of 《十大博彩推荐排名》目前担任联合执行制片人. 他写了11集 《十大博彩推荐排名》(我妈妈劫车犯, 这是第十五季, 妈妈啤酒, 窈窕淑女, 庄稼汉和弦, 无赖男孩, 一个恶魔的葬礼, E Pluribus Wiggum, 考试是如何获胜的, 美国历史——优秀, 和《十大博彩推荐排名》) 并担任剧本顾问 辛普森一家的电影. He won an International Animated Film Society “Annie” award for his work co-writing music 和 lyrics for the musical episode 庄稼汉和弦, for which he also had the honor of directing the guest vocal performance of the legendary Stephen Sondheim.


Julia Reichert自1970年以来一直是独立电影制片人. With her partner, James Klein, she made many innovative films, including 成长中的女性, the first documentary about women from a feminist perspective; 联盟女佣最早的口述历史电影之一; 美沙酮:一种美国的交易方式,挑战政府对海洛因成瘾的政策, 最后一辆卡车通用汽车(General Motors)关闭一家工厂的消息 看到红色, a documentary film about American communists which earned them their second Academy Award nomination. She is a founder of New Days Films, a cooperative of filmmakers who do their own distribution.


萨拉·尼森是 奥斯卡金像奖提名电影制作人 纪录片《十大博彩推荐排名》的导演. Sara has spent the last three 和 a half years shooting 和 directing POSTER GIRL 和 IRAQ PAPER SCISSORS. Both films intimately follow Iraq War Veterans as they as they embark on an unusual healing journey while coping with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).


Coleen Fitzgibbon was active as an experimental film artist under the pseudonym “Colen Fitzgibbon” between the years 1973-1980. She is best known for co-founding the New York based Collaborative Projects, Inc. (Colab) in 1977 through 1981, along with artists Kiki Smith, Jenny Holzer, Liza Bear, among others. Fitzgibbon has screened her work at numerous international film festivals 和 museums, 包括2009年多伦多国际电影节, 现代艺术博物馆, Knokke-Heist, 比利时, 当代艺术研究所, 伦敦, 电影资料馆, 及千禧电影工作坊.


温迪·乔·科恩是作家、制片人和导演. 她的最新电影, “The Battle of Pussy Willow Creek” is described as “doing for American History what Spinal Tap did for rock 和 roll”, as it tells the story of the most pivotal engagement of the Civil War – an against-all-odds battle in which an opium-addicted LGBT Colonel, 一位年老的中国侨民, 一个书呆子般的逃奴, 和 a sociopathic teen-aged prostitute saved the Union in its most dire hour.

如果你想推荐下学期的艺术家,请发邮件 Film@taomili.net 或者联系艺术系的罗伯塔·弗里德曼 & 设计 973-655-7282 或者,通过电子邮件发送到 friedmanr@taomili.net.