

Political science is one of the most useful tools we have for examining today’s complex, 不断变化的世界. 如果你想知道人们是如何, 制度和理念塑造了政治体系, a degree in Political Science will satisfy your curiosity – and prepare you for a high-impact professional journey.

Our curriculum begins with a comprehensive overview of American government, 比较政治学, international relations and essentials of political thought. 然后, we empower your ambitions with a wide range of elective classes, plus opportunities to gain hands-on experience through internships at a local political office or in Washington, D.C. Our graduates enter the workforce as good global citizens dedicated to pursuing creative, 负责任的政治行动.



本专业共33个学分, including 15 credits in required courses: Introduction to Politics, 美国政府与政治, 比较政治学, 国际关系, 《十大博彩推荐排名》. Students then choose 18学分 in electives from courses on topics in American Government, 比较政治学, 国际关系, 政治思想与法律. 在选修课中, students may opt to participate in a four-credit non-paying internship in a local political office or in Washington, D.C. 学生也可以选择修读 Political Science major with P-12 teacher certification in Social Studies.

Learn more about Political Science at 十大博彩推荐排名州立


法学, Law and Society is an interdisciplinary major focusing upon law within a liberal arts framework. It is a major for students seeking an intellectually challenging experience providing an excellent educational gateway to a career in law. Through diverse dimensions of law viewed through a variety of humanistic and social science disciplinary perspectives, students will study the role of law through the contextual relationships between law and societal forces that generate statutes, 判例法, 法规. Students in this major will develop and enhance their abilities to think critically, 原因分析, 认为有效, 进行学术研究, 写作要清晰准确. The 法学 Major is an alternative to the Pre-Law Minor. A student may not enroll in both the 法学 Major and Pre-law Studies Minor. 33个学分.

In addition to the general criteria for admission to 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学, all students must apply to and be admitted into 法学 major. For entry into the program students must meet one of the following criteria:

  1. Top twenty percent of high school graduating class.
  2. 总平均成绩不低于3分.0 at the completion of a minimum of 24 credits at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 or transfer institution.
  3. 总平均成绩不低于3分.0 in the student’s first three courses in the 法学 major.

Learn more about 法学, Law and Society and Pre-Law Studies at 十大博彩推荐排名州立


Policy Studies is a truly multi-disciplinary major that prepares students for careers as policy analysts, 积极分子, 提倡, 和创造者. 这个专业有40个学分, including 25 credits in required courses: 美国政府与政治, 商业决策的电子表格建模, 公共政策分析, 应用宏观经济学, Applied Microeconomics (Fulfills Gen Ed L Requirement), 社会研究统计, 美国公共政策, and a six credit senior capstone internship course in which students gain hands-on experience in the policy arena either locally (Seminar and Internship in Political Science) or in Washington, D.C. (华盛顿,D ..C.、实习). Students also choose 15 credits in electives from courses in a variety of disciplines, enabling students to acquire knowledge of general policymaking principles, or to garner expertise in specific policy areas, 包括地球与环境研究, 经济学, 孩子的宣传, 公共卫生, 或者在社会学领域探索的政策.



The minor in Political Science offers students the opportunity to study selected aspects of Political Science in the areas of interest of 美国政府与政治, 国际关系, 比较政治学, 政治思想与哲学. 18学分.


The Pre-Law Studies minor at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 is designed to enhance the preparation of students planning to seek admission to law school by promoting the development of abilities which are considered to be particularly important in the study and practice of law. Pre-Law Studies is an interdisciplinary program emphasizing critical reasoning, 写作和分析能力. The Pre-Law Minor is an alternative the 法学, Law and Society Major. 学生不能同时参加两个课程. 21个学分.


The Public Administration minor provides courses to provide essential background and internship experiences for students seeking employment in state or local government, 它对所有学生开放. 18学分.


The Global Security and Diplomacy minor capitalizes on the major in Political Science and the expertise of the 政治学与法学 faculty in diplomacy and global security affairs. This new minor leverages the synergies between the major in Political Science and 法学, Law and Society by presenting a unified educational curriculum by the Department of 政治学与法学.


The minor in Policy Studies offers students the opportunity to gain understanding of the policymaking process through the study 美国政府与政治, 公共政策分析, Applied Microeconomics (Fulfills Gen Ed L Requirement), 社会研究统计, 和美国公共政策. 学生还选修一门三学分的选修课. Requirements for the Minor: The Policy Studies Minor requires 19-22 credits, of which 16 credits (5 courses) are the required core curriculum.