Image of a student outside studying.

Programs of Study

Our faculty in Religion have expertise in religion, society, and culture; religion and politics; religious ethics; and religious texts. Our curriculum covers each of the major religious traditions in today’s world, and explores a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of religion and spirituality in societies, past and present. Our students study the impact of religion on world politics or the role of women in religious history. They can also learn the fine points of interpreting religious texts, like the Qur’an or the Bhagavad Gita or they can examine the philosophies of Buddhism, Daoism, or any of the world’s religious traditions.

Religion major
Religion major with K-6 Teacher Certification
Religion major with (Combined B.A./M.A.T. with Teacher Certification in Grades K-6 and Teacher of Students with Disabilities)
Religion BA/MBA
Religion minor
Jewish American studies minor
Native American and Indigenous Studies Minor

Montclair State is one of the few public universities in New Jersey that offers a Religion major. The major gives students a grounding in many different aspects of the study of religion, while allowing them to choose electives in the areas that interest them most. Those who minor in Religion have an opportunity to explore the field of Religion and share a concluding seminar with other students majoring or minoring in Religion. All Religion students are encouraged to investigate the religious cultures of peoples around the world and to experiment with different methods of interpreting religious texts and cultures.

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