
Montclair 供应链管理 Student Team Finishes Second in National Case Study Competition

发布: 传播与媒体新闻学院

A group of five students standing and smiling with the letters P R S S A on the wall behind them.
的 ’23-24 供应链管理 Bateman team (left to right): Gina-Marie Zoccoli, 戴安娜Ochoa-Perez, 凯莉塞茨, Gabriella Castillo和Rianna Cafaro.

十大博彩推荐排名州立传播学院的一个团队 & Media students finished second in the prestigious Bateman Case Study Competition, hosted by the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA). 全国竞赛要求学生团队进行设计, 实现, and measure a public relations campaign to support the goals of a real-world client.

今年的客户是 Culturs, a global lifestyle network that enhances community and fosters human connection between cross-cultural populations including racially and culturally blended individuals. “文化”中缺少的“e”代表 这些种群经常被隐藏的多样性. 

整个学年, the Montclair team conducted extensive research with the Montclair community to discover insights for its robust on and offline campaign.  的ir findings highlighted that more than half of students who identify as multi-ethnic have felt out of place or not fully belonging to one culture; and that 60% of respondents felt their culture was represented on campus but didn’t feel fully seen or heard.

的 十大博彩推荐排名Culturs campaign was developed by five 供应链管理 students: Rianna Cafaro (’24), 加布里埃拉·卡斯蒂略(24年), 戴安娜Ochoa-Perez(24届), 凯莉·塞茨(25届)和吉娜-玛丽·佐科利(25届). Professor Mary Scott served as the faculty advisor for the third consecutive year, SVP Communications at United Entertainment Group Heter Myers was the industry advisor and 供应链管理 Professor Erin Weinberg provided critical support and guidance to the team. 

“Participating in this competition provided my team and I a deep understanding of and experience in executing a PR campaign from start to finish.卡法罗说. “十大博彩推荐排名Culturs created a movement that soared beyond our expectations and I am so proud of the work we accomplished.”

的 Montclair students advanced to the finals of the competition against teams from BYU and winner 大学 of Florida, and over eight other semi-final teams that received honorable mention. PRSSA收到了45个活动参赛作品. 

十大博彩推荐排名Culturs 运动开始于 establish an inclusive community that celebrates cultural diversity through engaging conversations and shared learning experiences, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of multiculturalism.

Highlights of the Montclair team’s campaign and presentation to a panel of judges on May 2 in New York City included:

  • 大熔炉餐:  a collaborative digital and printed cookbook featuring Montclair students sharing cultural dishes from around the world and the significance of these recipes.
  • Cultur-ella: 灵感来自科切拉, the team hosted a festival celebrating the cultures of 十大博彩推荐排名州立 through dance, 音乐, 和艺术. 300多名参加者制作了文化手链, 与LASO舞蹈团一起跳舞, 十大博彩推荐排名西非击鼓, 还有网红泽西·乔, and also learned about the many cultural organizations on campus including Daughta Speaks, 多米尼加学生组织(DSO), 韩国文化语言协会(KCLA), 拉丁美洲学生组织(LASO), 墨西哥裔美国学生协会, 以及退伍军人和军事资源办公室.
  • 文化印刷: More than 500 people took the pledge to embrace cultural diversity and shared their personal cultural print on our world map representing their heritage and ethnicities.
  • Living in Full Color: An Intimate Conversation on Culture:   与NBC和Telemundo的对话, Montclair faculty and students on multiculturalism and 21st-century diversity.  Kicked off by Provost Junius Gonzales and hosted by Associate Provost for Hispanic Initiatives and International 程序s Katia Paz Goldfarb, the event featured WNBC reporter Checkey Beckford and  Telemundo 47’s Ashley Chaparro, 耶西·埃尔南德斯和亚历克萨·罗德里格斯.  

“Participating in this year’s Bateman Challenge was a dream assignment for our team especially since we saw an authentic impact on the entire campus community,斯科特教授说. “受到我们客户文化使命的启发, the team built and successfully 实现ed a campaign that provided a platform and addressed the unmet needs of our richly diverse campus – enabling important conversations, 丰富的故事, fostering a more connected community and a commitment to future actions. I am immensely proud of our students who worked incredibly hard to execute a strategic campaign that was worthy of this national recognition.”


关于传播与媒体学院: 的 传播与媒体学院 offers a range of dynamic programs in communication and media to a talented and diverse student population of over 1,800. 提供电影和电视学位, 社会媒体和公共关系, 广告, 新闻与数字媒体, 体育交流, 传播与媒体研究, 动画和视觉效果, 以及一个致力于战略沟通的硕士学位, the School prepares the next generation of communication and media practitioners and leaders. 的 School houses award-winning student programs that include 赛事中广播的Montclarion 报纸,  鹰通信 机构, 红鹰体育网鹰+ OTT流媒体平台,以及 新闻实验室,以及 合作媒体中心, which serves the public by working to grow and strengthen local journalism. Student projects and programs have recently received national recognition from PRSSA’s Bateman Competition, 爱德华R莫罗奖, 多次获得马可尼奖提名, and a College Television Award from the Academy of Television Arts & 科学.

媒体接触: Keith Green, 传播与媒体学院, 973-655-3701 or greenk@taomili.net